Report – Essential Elements for an Effective Website Homepage

little-man-smallThank you for requesting our report, “Essential Elements for a Great Website Homepage”. With this information in hand, you will hit some of  the important needs for a customer landing page, encouraging your visitors to take action and contact you regarding your product or service.

If you would like more information on Top Ways to Create Customer Loyalty and Sales in Business, you will find that link after our checklist at the bottom of this page. In the meantime, on to our tips.


Essential Elements for an Effective Website Homepage

When creating a home and/or landing page for your website, it is vital that it includes several items in order to increase the chances your visitors will take that all-important step of buying from you. Here are our Top 5 Essential Elements.

1. Headline – tell visitors exactly what you are about so they know they’re in the right place. This can be done with an attractive tag line below your company logo or by itself right below.

2. A Quick Introduction – give a brief description of what you can do for them or what your company can offer. You kept them at the headline, now entice them to stay and learn more about you.

3. What’s in it for Them – don’t assume they know. They’re there because they are curious about what you can do for them. Leave the bragging to the testimonials (you do have testimonials, don’t you?).

4. A Call to Action – now that they know what you can do for them, get them to take action NOW. Offering free consultations gets you in front of them where you can offer that one-on-one, face-to-face (or ear-to-ear) touch no one gets from just a webpage.

5. Features – NOW you can brag about your product. Let them know there is something unique about YOUR service/product they either didn’t know about or can’t obtain anywhere else. And keep it short – bullet points are a great way to do that.

There are more elements to a great landing webpage, but we didn’t want to overwhelm you. Our website design clients projects automatically receive the entire list in the build and update of their websites. Give us a call if you would like to receive all our tips and tricks to powerful landing pages as part of your next beautiful and effective business or personal website!

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